Success Stories
Thanking this wonderful woman right here even though we haven't met. She has a good warming soul I met her off fb when I was going through domestic violence and I didnt have no one to talk to so I posted whats been going on In my marriage and god did send me an angel she had all the right words she was there for me she didnt judge me at all I feel so blessed to call her my friend its an honor I never stayed away from my husband for more then a month but its going on four months and I obtained a job to keep me busy working on housing for my family and my kids are in different camps god has really looked out for me thank you so much..Anonymous Survivor
I'm a victim of domestic violence ,and I shared my story with the founder of the organization which is my cousins. And she as taught me that during my situation I must not look love from a man I must first love myself ,and value myself I was looking these things from a man and as a result I was abuse emotional and mental physical and spiritual, but after spoken to my cousin I realize what I need to do and that was to focus on me and my happiness. Amen..Anonymous Survivor
Wonderful organization... helped me get through a really tough time .. i learned alot about abused and how to deal with depression and learn ways to cope with the aftermath of abuse..anonymous survivor